Piedmont Care is holding another day of extended hours in recognition of National HIV Testing Day on June 27th.
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Piedmont Care – 101 North Pine Street, Suite 200, Spartanburg
8:30 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.
Walk-ins welcome, but appointments encouraged
HIV testing is free and confidential
Call 582-7773 to make an appointment or to get additional information.
According to Piedmont Care executive director, Tracey Jackson, “HIV testing is faster and easier than ever before, yet about half of all adults in the U.S. have never been tested. Testing is the gateway to life-saving treatment and reduced risk of transmission. South Carolina is 11th in the nation for AIDS case rates. HIV/AIDS affects all our communities and must be taken seriously at the local level.”
Piedmont Care is the nonprofit organization providing HIV and AIDS care, prevention and advocacy in our community. The organization provides the HIV rapid test using the oral swab method. This method is bloodless and takes about 20 minutes. The visit to Piedmont Care will last about one hour.
National HIV Testing Day (NHTD) is an annual campaign (June 27th) produced by the National Association of People with AIDS (NAPWA-US) to encourage at-risk individuals to receive voluntary HIV counseling and testing. More than one million people are living with HIV in the U.S., and approximately one in five of those are unaware of their infection. Early HIV diagnosis is critical, so people who are infected can fully benefit from available life-saving treatments. Finding out whether you are infected with HIV is the first step to improving your health and the health of your partners and your family.
To learn more about National HIV Testing Day or HIV/AIDS, please visit our Web site at www.piedmontcare.org or www.hivtest.org or www.aids.gov. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter. #HIVTestingDay #DoingItmyway
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